When my pear tree is in spring 9/2004

What is a pear tree like this one here
doing like a dewdrop setting out pearls of spring
dearing to strike up appearances
like this one does, right in this peart of the yard
doing it too like it’s pushing its own untiring

pearfection? Appearently there’s not much

otherwise near hear to distort the eye properly
or maybe not do it in the same impearfectly
homogenized way, cascading around like that

into this glory, this appearing like an eruption of heaven
in our world, this sweet shout and rhapsody

not cearing for anything in this whole universe
except its own supearior image

of white Beauty.

When my pear tree is in spring (madrigal) 9/2004

When my pear tree is in spring
then all will bloom so sweetly true
yet see how everything so promised
late last year is gone, and so

will never come again. Let sadness reign
in shadow but a moment, until these blossoms
dance as sweet air does, and all I would
in sorrow rue is hidden one more time in spring.

Poetry by William F. Buford
Copyright © 2004-2007 William F. Buford. All Rights Reserved.