Color Me Wiggle 5/13/2003

Color me blue
what痴 it to you?
Am I a tall pitcher?
maybe somebody richer?

or just a blue cup
standing straight up

not really off-center
not any benter

I知 as real
as I feel

True to my Maker
never a faker

may it make me as pretty
as this little ditty.

I知 True Blue 5/13/2003
Song of the blue cup

I知 a true blue
Blue Cup fine as china is
I知 in it
for the drinking.

I知 in it for fingers
putting a touch on me
soft or hard palmed
piercing or plain

bringing me now or bringing me later
setting me down in a whole new light

in a curved piece of picture
Life set out on a table.

But let me tell you
easy brushes get me itching.

Drink to me, sing to me
I知 the small Blue Cup
fine as china is
I知 in it for the drinking

and what I sing to you
you are.

Poetry by William F. Buford
Copyright © 2004-2007 William F. Buford. All Rights Reserved.